What's the Frequency, J9?
I wholeheartedly invite you to join me in the Feminine Frequency Festival—a global gathering by women leaders and healers, for women leaders and healers—happening Aug 20-28, 2020.
I'm offering an energy healing at Feminine Frequency, Sacred Healing Circle Grounding Meditation happening on Thursday, August 27th @ 5:30PM (Pacific).
Oops, I Did It Again
I had another awakening last week that I want to share with you to, 1) take away the sting (we're only as sick as our secrets), 2) stay right-sized, and 3) hopefully encourage anyone trying to break an old habit or pattern of behavior. They say to teach what you need to learn, surely I'm no exception...read on!
Spiritual Awakening & Race
They say courage is fear that has said its prayers. My prayer is that I say what I need to say, hear what I need to hear, that it lands with whom it’s supposed to land, and that it is all for the highest spiritual good.