Take Back Your Time

We still have the same twenty-four hours we always had, but it feels like less and less; doesn’t it? There are probably several factors, technology being one of them, with so many ways that people can demand our attention. And then there’s social media (don’t get me started).

You can’t do much about the external factors, but you can reign in your thoughts and habits that are contributing to the problem.

We all have thoughts and patterns that lead us down the wrong path—the path of busy, should and comparison. We glorify “busy,” burden ourselves with “should,”
and sell ourselves short with comparison.

Guess what, or rather who, is responsible? Your Saboteurs—the deeply established patterns of your survival brain, instilling fear and lying to you, delivering the exact opposite result.

  • Stickler wastes your time trying to do it all perfectly.

  • Controller zaps time and energy keeping all the plates spinning.

  • Avoider steals your time procrastinating or hiding in shame.

  • Pleaser gives all your time to everyone else.

  • Hyper-vigilant takes all your time worrying.

  • Victim stews in resentment as time slips away.

  • Hyper-rational gets lost in logic instead of taking clear-headed action.

  • Restless is easily distracted by the…oh look, a bird!

  • Hyper-achiever is busy racking up achievements without stopping to enjoy them.

No wonder we are all exhausted and feel time slipping away! Your wiser self, your Sage, is more discerning. Being tuned in at this level, you slow down, prioritize based on deeper meaning, and do one thing at a time with laser focus.

All it takes is a shift in perspective that there is a hidden treasure in every moment, situation and circumstance. That treasure just might be more time, and your sanity!

You can learn how to shift your perspective in my next Mental Fitness Master Class, starting July 2nd. Meet new colleagues, be inspired, get back in touch with your super powers AND impact your bottom line.

Journal Prompts:

  • What is one “should” I can let go of?

  • How do my Saboteurs waste my time? (If you’re not sure, take the Saboteur Assessment)

  • What would be the impact if I could quiet my Saboteurs?


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